
ISSE promotes ethical research into the reception of ancient Egypt (commonly referred to as ‘Egyptomania’) in order to encourage a greater understanding of what drives global interest in Egypt’s ancient Heritage by:

  • Promoting interdisciplinary research

  • Sharing knowledge and resources with researchers and the general public

  • Analysing the histories of the reception of ancient Egypt (inclusive of the problematic aspects of the topic) in an inclusive and objective manner.


To be a leading voice in the ethical, global study of the reception of ancient Egypt, uniting a community of researchers through networking and promotion of their work and fields of study, in order to advance both public and academic understanding of the historical reception and perception of ancient Egypt.


Inclusive: ISSE creates a welcoming and safe space for people from all backgrounds globally to engage with the discipline whether they are a member of the public, a student, a seasoned academic or an independent researcher. All are welcome.

Ethical: ISSE explores all aspects of the topic of ‘Egyptomania’. This includes promoting research into colonialist, imperialist and appropriative aspects of the reception and perception of ancient Egypt throughout history and up to the modern day.

Collaborative: ISSE promotes co-operation and networking with the public and the academic and scientific community.

Adaptive: The study of ‘Egyptomania’ is an evolving field. ISSE strives to adapt to new research outcomes, to listen to global voices, and be open to change, whilst staying true to our core values.